
Respecting distances

1997/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Car drivers when driving on the road often do not respect the minimum distances that must be maintained between vehicles, although this problem is an important factor of accident. For this reason, Hella and Mercedes Benz have prepared a project to measure and regulate the distances between road vehicles.

The radar prepared by Hella and Mercedes Benz is a white circle in front of the radiator.

By 2000 some cars will have a radar in front of the radiator. The signal emitted by this radar will be reflected by a series of obstacles (front vehicle or milestones in curves). Once the return signal is analyzed, the system will recognize the obstacle and affect the motor, brakes or accelerator of the car, “to respect the distances”. The driver will be sufficient to operate the steering wheel, but in case of unforeseen the system will require the driver the intervention of the control of the whole car.

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