
Diamond photovoltaic cells

2001/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

To date, the most widely used materials in photovoltaic cells have been silicon and, more recently, gallium arsenide. However, the United States National Inspection Organization (NRO) will promote an essay that will replace these materials with polycrystalline diamond. This organization, which controls U.S. spy satellites, aims to get the most powerful cells to supply electric power to these satellites.

Although it is still a pure theory, it seems that polycrystalline diamond cells will have several advantages. On the one hand, they can withstand high radiation levels and temperatures. Energy efficiency is around 50% (in the case of silicon between 10% and 15%).

In addition, this new material will not be more expensive than the previous ones, since for the manufacture of the cells the natural diamond will not be used. Instead, thin films consisting of millions of microscopic diamond crystals that can be obtained from methane, the main component of natural gas, will be used.

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