Deep Impact 2028
1998/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
At a time when meteorite-based catastrophic films are becoming more fashionable, more than a risk awareness that the asteroids of the Solar System pose. In March 1997, astronomers at the Institute of Astronomy of the United States discovered the asteroid 1997 XF11 and, once their orbit was calculated, they predicted to move to 45,000 km of the Earth, an eighth of the distance from Earth to the Moon.
With an asteroid almost two kilometers wide, it would be a real threat to life on Earth, so the researchers began to certify if it was going to collide with Earth. Finally, using older asteroid data, it was estimated that the asteroid will go to 900,000 km from Earth, so there is no cause for concern. However, the 1997 asteroid XF11 has shown us that there is danger.

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