
Guided tours with electronic agenda

2004/01/20 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

PDAs are electronic agendas. Some of them also have GPS, the tool that gives the user's position. An engineer from the Public University of Navarra has added to these devices the possibility of conducting guided tours.

The system, developed by the engineer Miguel Campoy, allows guided trips to specific areas previously prepared and obtain information about specific places. This system can replace tourist guides or urban plans with electronic agendas. "We have implemented a guided tour. With PDA and GPS we have developed an application that places the user on the campus of the University. This application in turn provides information on the vegetation of the Public University of Navarra".

As we walk, the device gives us information about what surrounds us, about plants. In fact, on the campus of the Public University of Navarra there are more than a hundred types of plants, shrubs and trees. In addition to knowing the position of each of them, you can view photos and read the basic features on the small screen of the device. Specific searches can also be made. In addition to photos and text, the electronic agenda also uses sounds to inform about the route.

The device provides information on existing fields at the Public University of Navarra

The system is based on a database structured by GPS and Miguel satellites. The GPS first locates the person carrying the PDA and then, by relating the information contained in the database, gives an account of the details that the database has signed for that specific position.

Although in the device of Miguel Campoy for the moment only appears the Campus of the Public University of Navarra and its plants, you can make all the modifications you want. The development of wireless technologies allows the system to work with a central computer. This computer would store the necessary information and the PDA would be a simple terminal. In this way it would not be necessary for the PDA to have a large data storage capacity, since the information would be on the central computer.

More information on the Basqueresearch.com portal.

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