
Biomass production as a sign of climate change

2001/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The measurement of marine biological production allows to know the climate changes. This is the case of Casey Hermoyian and Robert M of the University of Michigan. Owen researchers have done so in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. The results indicate that 4-6 million years ago marine biological production grew significantly.

Marine biomass is formed mainly by photosynthesis. Plankton, from solar energy, transforms carbon dioxide and dissolved nutrients into water, such as phosphorus, into biomass. Therefore, high biological production over a long period of time can lead to the elimination of all atmospheric CO2 and thus the cooling of the Earth. To confirm that this event occurred throughout the Earth, researchers have analyzed not only the Indian Ocean, but also the Atlantic Ocean, especially low-production areas. As you have seen, during the time from the end of Miocene to the beginning of Pliocene, biomass production worldwide was 2-30 times higher than normal.

Now we need to know the reason for this phenomenon. Among the reasons that are considered is the creation of several mountain ranges (Himalayas, Alps, etc. ). ). The mountains, as they grow, act as a barrier against humid air currents, giving rise to impossible rainfall and increasing the arrival of nutrients to the rivers. But it can be other factors that scientists are looking for.

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