
Two telescopes, an image

2001/03/16 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

The quality of the telescopes depends on the resolution capacity and the resolution capacity of the lens diameter. NASA has now tested the method to increase quality with its two large telescopes. Being together, mixing the images collected by the two telescopes, of better quality.

The idea is simple. As we use our eyes, the two 10-metre Keck telescopes on Mount Kea have been pointed to the same place in space. In this way they have achieved the image of the star HD61294 of the constellation of Katamotz. It is a very unclear star. This image has the quality of the images that could take a telescope of 85 meters. The set of both telescopes is called Keck interferometer.

Both telescopes are the largest in the world. Astronomer Anne Kinney, head of the project, said that NASA has not decided what the pair will be used from now on. In the coming months, numerous tests will be conducted. However, a suggestion has been released for use in the search for planets outside the solar system.

Since 1995, more than fifty exoplanets have been detected. Taking advantage of the existing technology, scientists can find planets the size of Jupiter near the stars. By increasing the resolution of the telescopes, smaller planets can be found.

The European Union has a similar project called VLT. It is a set of four telescopes of 8.5 meters. Three of them are currently in operation. The VLT project is based at the Southern Europe Observatory in Chile.

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