Señorío de Bértiz, a wonderful corner
1986/06/01 Arrojeria, Eustakio - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
When it comes to exploring the corners of Euskal Herria, we can not forget our Navarre, and even less the lordship of Bertiz, located next to the village of Mugaire, which we can find when ascending the river Bidasoa. In it is a spectacular environment, both to spend a quiet and wonderful day with the family, and to fascinate by the environment in a company atmosphere.

Perhaps, after reading this, you have been curious to go to the place, but perhaps, as has happened on many occasions, you have remained with the definitive disappointment. But the decision to enter or not into those risks is something that remains in your hand and I am not to force myself to it. Therefore, I will begin my work, that is, to make known the lordship of Bertiz.
As mentioned earlier, the Señorío de Bertiz, on the banks of the Bidasoa River, is located in the municipality of Bertizarana. Nowadays it is the Natural Park, but in order to pass to it it it is necessary to reach Mugaire, where you will find the opportunity to join the lordship of Bertiz, that is, the entrance.

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting the limits of this lordship. It is not located in the center of the street of the municipality of Bertizaran, but on an edge. To the north the municipality of Etxalar, to the east the municipality of Baztan, to the south the river Bidasoa and to the west the rest of the municipality of Bertizaran and the so-called "Monte de los Cuatro Pueblos".
As for plants, it would not be difficult to deduce their nature. Throughout the Basque Country there are no major climate changes, much less in the territories to the north. Yes, as you well thought, the mixed Atlantic forest is the main one in the Señorío de Bertiz, and in a relatively good state, with a general distribution in the areas of high humidity (in the lower areas) dominated by the oak, about 500 meters high and after passing a fringe of chestnut, the beech and, to greater heights, the marojo.

On the other hand, it is worth noting the different types found in the garden of Bertiz, some of which are scarce in these areas and therefore strange in our territory. Among them are green bamboo, camellia, palm, Chinese ginkgo, Italian cocoa, lemon tree with thorns, amber liquid, English elm, Spanish spruce, rhododendron, giant sequoia, California sequoia, tuliparbola, etc.
The mammals of Bertiz are those that can be found in any Atlantic mountain. Although they are not spectacular species, you can find elements of great interest.
The main species of mammals that can be found in the manor depending on the habitats in which they inhabit are:
- They can be found in places with great humidity: satitsu hankazuria acuática, desmán pirenaico, erizo, ardilla, garduña, espinoso, zorro, tejón, jabalí, corzo, nutria, turón, gato montés, liebre, rabbit...

We can find them in the meadow: satirical orchard, common mole, pasture land, rural terrain, little mouse, harvest mouse,...Those that can be found in the mountains: arcillado satitsu, red topillo, gray liron,...Those that can be found in places where human life is realized: black rat, common rat, house mouse,..

The number of amphibian and bird species that can be found in Bertiz is relatively low, since, as mentioned above, there is a small climate change. The climatology is Cantabrian and as we know, the number of species found in this medium is very small.
Among the amphibians stand out the arrabio, the common, the wild frog, the common txantxiku, the marmolaire triton, the palate triton, the common frog...

Among the reptiles are the mural lizard, the cirauna, the green lizard, the green-yellow snake, the snake of Eskulapio, the snake viperina, the snake tie, the Cantabrian viper...
As for birds, the most remarkable thing is that there have already been found 50 different species, of which 37 species nest there, 5 can nest and the remaining 8 do not nest.
Among them stand out the common pylon, the common urubi, the big bird, the black fly, the white reyezno, the crispy Chinese, the txepetxa, the common bird, the tick, the mochuelo, the mountain ankle, the txantxangorri, the common myrtle, etc.

Finally, as for the habitat, we cannot forget the fish, so before ending this review, we will tell you what are the fish that inhabit it. The clean rivers that cross the area and the environment of Bertiz maintain a dense population of fish. In this manor, this town is made up of six species of eel, salmon, hawthorn heather, bag, zarbo, staircase and trout that inhabit clean and fast running waters.
As you can see, the Señorío de Bértiz is rich in flora and fauna, where diverse species inhabit. If it matches your hobby, this manor also offers an opportunity for you. On the other hand, as mentioned at the beginning, it also has ample spaces for other activities or sports. Therefore, if these days you do not have a specific task, there you have a new possibility. A unique opportunity to leave the surroundings of always, know our land and a way to have a good time.

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