
Heat, humidity and thermal sensation

2001/08/24 Elhuyar Zientzia

When it is cold in winter, it is said that the wind increases that cold. In the mountain slide projections we have also heard many times that the wind, when they were in this type of mountains, made them feel the sensation that there are several degrees less than those that exist (there are tables that indicate the thermal sensation according to the temperature and the speed of the wind). In our case, in addition, if wet weather is said to feel colder, that the cold penetrates to the bones. The same goes for heat and humidity: In Jaca, for example, the heat, like the cold, is better supported, since the humidity is less.

In today's image we can see the table representing the influence of moisture on thermal sensation. If you look at the table, it is easy to understand why we are afraid of a warm and humid climate, especially if there is 100% humidity we had last July 30. Today, at least on the coast!

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