
Hydraulic motor for grass cutting

2001/09/25 Elhuyar Zientzia

Students from Purdue University in the United States have made significant progress in the field of hydraulic motors. In all their hydraulic systems, including power steering, brakes and transmission, they have created the first vehicle that uses exclusively water. In this case, they managed to move the mower with the hydraulic motor.

They wanted to develop a system as good as the oil hydraulic system, since, in short, water has advantages that oil does not have, both economically and environmentally. Water is a low-viscosity liquid, so less energy is needed to transport it through the system, making it more energy efficient. However, changes in water by increasing temperature have so far generated technical difficulties in this industry.

On the other hand, the water used in the mower does not come from the tap, since in general the water of the cities is rich in minerals and impurities. The system uses distilled water by removing any electrical charge that can produce corrosion by deionizing water. To avoid corrosion, the hydraulic system is made of stainless steel, plastic or ceramic, which makes production more expensive.

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