Lack of forests in South America
1995/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The situation of forests in South America is more serious than expected. According to recent FAO data, deforestation has exceeded the limit that can be considered worrying and unfortunately the same trend will remain in the coming years.
The problem is widespread throughout South America. The only exceptions are Uruguay and Chile, where the forest has been maintained. On the contrary, Jamaica has lost 7.2% annually, 4.8% in Tahiti and 2.9% in Costa Rica. Although the reasons can be very diverse, it has been considered as main agent the use of new plots for agricultural use.
FAO biologists say forests must adapt to commercial uses and as announced, the next steps will be taken in that direction. The case of Asia, in which the controlled exploitation of forests has contributed to favor the balance between natural resources and the local economy, has served as a model. So be it!

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