
Robotic caracol

2005/12/19 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The Institute of Technology of MIT Masachumassachusetts has developed a robot that mimics the movement of the snail. They have already done so before, but the current one even better imitates the snail, for example, is able to climb the walls and stick to the ceiling.

They move by contracting the muscles of the only foot with Earth's snails. Under the foot have a layer of viscous mucus that prevents the snail from going back as the muscles contract from behind. When the contraction reaches the front of the foot, it is more compressed than ever and, when you relax, advances.

To imitate it, the robot made by researchers consists of five parts that move one by one on the axis of the body. When all have advanced, the body itself moves forward, so that the parts return to their previous position. In addition, the robot has under a gel layer of 1,5 mm thick so that the surface is glued. That is, it has the same function as the core of the snail.

The intention of the researchers has been to test a mathematical model that explains the movement of the snail, but they expect it to have an application.