El Niño arrives
2009/07/17 Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati - Elhuyar Zientzia

El Niño approaches the meteorological phenomenon, according to the scientists of the US agency NOAA. The famous phenomenon is a consequence of the rapid warming of the aquatic surface of the Pacific, which occurs cyclically. It can have serious consequences: droughts, floods, heavy storms... On the contrary, experts believe that the arrival of the Child can cause Atlantic hurricanes to slow down and winters in North America.
The meteorological phenomenon is known through satellite images. What you still do not know is what you will do and what will last. The data obtained so far are not sufficient to determine these factors.
The last Child, from 2006-2007, did not leave very serious consequences, while what happened in 1997-1998 was one of the most violent in history.Image: Image: TOPEX/POSEIDON TEAM/CNES/NASA (APOD)

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