Protection bridge
1995/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The spectacular village of Mont Saint Michel is news again. Travel agencies know perfectly the granite islands and the charm that awakens in tourists the abatía of the Benedictines. On the contrary, very few people are aware of the risk that lies under a fine island. We know that the only access road to the island is the road that depends on the low tide and the low tide, but the French government wants to build a bridge to replace the old road. Due to sedimentation, the surrounding road and car parks have become a problem at Mont Saint Michele.
The sediment that accumulates in the bay of Saint Michele and the sand fence that surrounds the island, consider that it will condition the survival of its ecosystem. The road between island and land and the car parks increase the accumulation of materials abandoned by the sea. Biologists have confirmed that in the environment of the island is developing a flora that can curb the influence of high tide and low tide due to sedimentation. In addition, the mouths of the rivers that pour their waters into the bay have been artificially modified, increasing the risk of sedimentation.

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