Last release Ariane 4
2003/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Although the last rocket Ariane 4 was to be launched on February 12, at last on the 15th of the same month, after three days of delay due to bad weather. The objective was to put into orbit the telecommunications satellite Intelsat 907. From now on, the most successful European pitcher will be replaced by Ariane 5.

Ariane 4 was first launched in June 1998. It has been an ideal launcher to put into orbit telecommunication satellites and terrestrial inspection satellites.
The launchers are the fuel tanks that occupy the most space, which makes the rockets of the Ariane family have a great advantage: they have the fuel divided into three parts. As fuel runs out, two of these bodies are released and dropped into the sea, losing weight and increasingly needing less fuel.
From an economic point of view, it is advisable to put into orbit as many satellites as possible in a single launch. Ariane 5 was created with this goal. Ariane is larger than 4 and has larger fuel tanks, so it is able to carry heavier loads.
But the newest member of the Ariane family is still not reliable enough: in two of its releases it explodes and in two others it was not put into orbit. Therefore, some have questioned whether it will really be the launch of the last Ariane 4, since it is possible that until regaining confidence with Ariane 5 you have to continue with Ariane 4.

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