
Car and boat at once

1992/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Cars that circulate on any type of terrain look more and more, but still can not overcome some natural obstacles. Although rivers and streams are flooded when the water level is high, they cannot cross.

Therefore, the vehicle that circulates by both means, water and land, can offer new possibilities. The vehicle you see in the image is called “Hobbycar” and is a prototype to tour the two aforementioned media. The motor that moves the wheels activates two hydrojet in the water and the steering wheel becomes motto.

This prototype has been made by a former employee of Renault and the plant of Val de Loire is expected to produce the first vehicles this fall. This first batch of vehicles consists of thirty units that will serve to highlight the defects.

The most important features are the conventional five-speed box (if desired automatic), the fiscal power of 7 hp, the dry speed of 150 km/h and the water speed of 5 knots.

The body is light and resistant and is made of composites, the windshield can be hydraulically concealed and the chairs are fully folding.

The worst of this vehicle is its price, which will be 6,000,000 pesetas.

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