
Space Port Australia

1997/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Australia can have two space ports by the end of the century. According to the two companies that are promoting the project, there is only a lack of an environmental impact study.

New space ports.

Both Asia-Pacific Space Centre (APSC) and Space Transportatin System (STS) have found launch sites: the first in the York Peninsula and the second in the vicinity of Darwin. Both companies plan to use Russian launchers: Soiuz the first and Proton M the second. The reliability of Russian launchers will reduce the cost of cargo insurance.

APSC is the consortium of companies from the United States, Australia and South Korea and aims to make the first launches at the end of 1999. In addition, they plan to make three shots weekly. Note that Arianespac a month ago.

Both space ports are located at 15º from the equator (only closer to the launch base of Kourou), which will mean a lower need for fuel for the placement of loads in space. According to the STS, the Proton launcher will be able to place a cargo in the space of 7 tons in Australia, a ton more than launched from Kazakhstan.

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