Text written in Basque and translated automatically by Elia without any subsequent editing. SEE ORIGINAL
This fall Elhuyar delivered STEAM workshops in Tolosa, Zeberio and Arrigorriaga, and in Vitoria-Gasteiz
2022/12/07 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

In autumn, from October to December, Elhuyar has offered STEAM workshops to:
- Development of scientific and technological culture among participants.
- Foster the entrepreneurial behaviour of participants.
- Encourage teamwork.
- Stimulate the enjoyment of science and technology.
- Perform STEAM education activities in leisure time or center activities.
- Bring STEM professions closer to children.
- Try to break stereotypes related to the STEM professions (especially popular stereotypes).
And, of course, with them, the strengthening of relations between participants and recipients, as well as the promotion of the use of Euskera.
Based on these criteria, the following sessions were held:
- In Tolosa, 10-14 year-olds have participated in the STEAM challenge workshop on Friday 4 October. Through the workshop, you've seen that prejudices around STEM disciplines can be interesting and fun in science (S), technology (T), engineering (E) and mathematics (M).
- In the region of the Nervión-Ibaizabal, several actions have been carried out, such as:
- At the Arrigorriaga school, two short workshops were held on 4 and 11 November; anatomy workshop and biology workshop, respectively.
- At the Gaztegune de Arrigorriaga a culinary science workshop for young people was held on Saturdays in November.
- At the Club Mirabatxo in Ugao-Miraballes, on 12 and 26 November, leisure sessions have been held for young people, focusing on the anatomy and light workshops.
- A youth anatomy workshop was held at Zeberio City Hall on 2 December.
- In Vitoria-Gasteiz, from October to May 2023, 6 sessions will be held in the cultural space Ignacio Aldecoa. Experimental workshops for young people have been held on the last Friday of each month (except December).
More than 150 young people, led by STEAM female educators, have participated in all of them: Saioa Aranburu, Sara Alicante and Arantza Muguruza.

eu es fr en ca gl
Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia