First it was a black hole and then the galaxy
2009/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Black holes in the center of galaxies devour the stars and gas they have nearby. However, its gravitational force makes stars and galaxies grow around it. However, astronomers did not know what was before, a black hole, or galaxies. Well, according to a presentation made at the meeting of the Astronomers Association of the United States, it seems that first black holes were created and then galaxies were formed around them.
The presentation was given by Chris Carilli of the Observatory of Radio Astronomy in Socorro. At this observatory they have calculated the mass of young galaxies from their carbon monoxide. And they have seen that when the universe was young, it was 1,000 million years old (about 13.7 billion years ago), the mass of the densest area of a galaxy was 30 times greater than that of the black hole.
This fact has nothing to do with what we have so far. And so far they have not been able to study galaxies so young and, apparently, the mass of the dense area of galaxies is always 700 times greater than that of the black hole. Now they have shown that the proportion of dough changes. Thanks to this, and with other data, they have concluded that the black hole is produced ahead of the galaxy.

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