
The ghosts of the atmosphere

1995/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The following image has managed to capture the new phenomenon that astronomers have just detected. What seems like a normal photo of dawn is a set of ionizations that took place in the ionosphere, that is, between 75 and 90 kilometers.

The following image has managed to capture the new phenomenon that astronomers have just detected. But it has not been a simple task. What seems like a normal photo of dawn is a set of ionizations that took place in the ionosphere, that is, between 75 and 90 kilometers.

Specifically, the moment in which the image has been collected is after the ionization process and two types of reaction groups can be detected: the first in the form of a jet and the second in the external form of a jellyfish.

Although it has been achieved that the phenomenon can be seen and received, the researchers assure that the clarification of its origin will last longer. When it comes to saying what has caused the ionization, the two main groups that study the phenomenon, the astronomers of the University of Alaska and the Los Alamos Laboratory, do not coincide. Although it is believed that it may be related to gamma rays or magnetic fields, no current hypothesis has been ruled out. The issue can be clarified when you receive the information that will broadcast the satellite Alexis. Meanwhile, phenomena are occurring as spectacular as those we have collected in the photo.

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