
Missiles against asteroids

1994/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Lately there is much talk about the likelihood that space asteroids will fall to Earth. Some claim that the remedy would be to send the missionary against the asteroid coming to Earth and divert it by a nuclear explosion in space. However, the famous astronomer Carl Sagan does not share this view because the damage would be greater than the benefits.

Several military members of the project, once called “Star Wars,” want to promote the “Spaceguard” project to study asteroids and divert those who belonged to the Earth by sending nuclear missiles into space.

However, scientists Carl Sagan and Steven Ostro disagree with this idea. In fact, this system would use a large nuclear power and run the risk of an explosion in space causing the fall of numerous asteroids that did not fall to Earth.

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