
Last subordinate opportunity to see the passage of Venus

2012/06/03 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

As in 2004, the June transit of Venus will leave beautiful photos. Ed. © John Chumack

The night of June 5-6 Venus will pass by the Sun. The phenomenon is repeated twice with a difference of 8 years, every 105 and 122 years, alternately. The previous transit took place on 8 June 2004, and after 6 June it will not be repeated until December 2117.

In order for the passage of Venus to occur, the planet must be close to the plane or plane of the ecliptic and in lower conjunction. But it is not easy to meet these requirements, since in 1,000 years only occurs 13 or 14 times.

From Euskal Herria it will be difficult to see it live, because the traffic will be about to end at dawn, but there will be no problems to continue online.

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