
Digital photos with forever camera

1998/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Your traditional camera will soon be able to take digital photos. The technology being developed by Image allows converting 35 millimeter cameras into digital cameras.

Cartridges with receipt memory of electronic components and photographs.

To do this, in the back of the camera, where we put the film, we will have to put a kind of cartridge. In this cartridge we will have batteries, electronic components and photographic memory. Attached to this cartridge will go a sensor that will collect the light rays.

This technology will allow us to take 30 high-resolution images. To view or print the images we have to pass to the computer the images we have in memory. If we do this, we can take the images again.

The company's managers have announced that the new invention will be released this summer and will be priced at approximately $1,000.

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