Working with stainless steel
2003/04/01 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
At present, despite the decline of the paper industry, boilers and welding remain strong, as in the 35 companies located in the valley there are more than a thousand workers working in welding and boilers.

But the particularity of this valley boiler is that stainless steel is used. In fact, in the paper, food, chemical, steel, air conditioning, etc. this material is widely used as well as aluminum and special alloys. However, there were no welding and boiler studies in the region, and the companies in the region indicated the need for stainless steel studies. Institute.
In collaboration with the companies in the sector, a project was developed to launch these studies, which also required significant investments. In fact, the stainless steel boiler is very expensive in technical equipment, facilities, maintenance and materials. For this reason, in 1999, the Departments of Labour of the Basque Government and L. of Education. H. The management reached an agreement with the municipalities of Tolosa and Tolosaldea and with the boiler companies to promote the project.
Tolosaldea Higher Education The Institute offers middle and higher grade training cycles for students in this type of boiler and welding, as well as continuous training for workers and occupational training for the unemployed. In addition, last year the first promotion of the middle grade training cycle was launched and everyone found work before a month.
More computing and less paperPaper, notes taking, teacher placement of notes, administrative tasks, reports, etc. are a constant in schools. It is impossible that all this paper disappear from day to night, but it is possible to reduce it a lot. To do this, several Vocational Training Centres have started the process of installing an intranet. The intranet should be understood as a dynamic tool and with the development of the right applications gives unique results. For example, Tolosaldea L. Superior. H. At the institute, the intranet created according to the needs of the centre has considerably reduced the use of paper. In fact, the application that is divided into several sections offers mail services, agenda, course information and maintenance, room management section, photo album, etc. In this way, the staff of the center (including the student body shortly) has the possibility to carry out all the necessary steps in its internal operation through the intranet. In addition, in cases where these jobs are confidential, such as when teachers are writing notes, through intranet access permits and passing words, confidentiality is guaranteed. |

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