New intellectual quotient measurement software
2001/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona has created a new program capable of correctly and without errors measuring the intellectual quotient of patients with cerebral palsy. These patients have motor problems and many are unable to speak. Therefore, they cannot perform all the evaluation tests and obtain results lower than their capacity. However, with the new software, patients will be able to carry out a series of actions that until now could not perform. In this way, in addition to offering better test results, their autonomy and quality of life will improve significantly.
The CITES programme has three main components: Pilot virtual keyboard, new test method and computer psychometric test. The use of the Pilot keyboard is varied (with hands, legs, automatic switch), so each patient can choose the right path to their paralysis level. In addition, it allows the realization of tests adapted to each patient instead of standard tests, with the aim of achieving a global development of the patient. The psychometric test is used to correctly assess the manipulable part of the intellectual quotient of patients.

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