Branch problems
1989/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Rhinoceros population is known to have declined in recent years. In 1975 there were 65,000 thousand and currently only 3,500. The cause of the disaster has been hunting without measures. Despite the ban on hunting, poachers have ravaged. The powder of the rhino branch in oriental medicine is highly appreciated for its aphrodisiac characteristics, among others.

Given that the cause of the death of these great animals and weights is the horn, it has been considered that the way for the Namibian authorities to survive rhinoceroses can be a misfortune (see image).
The decisions, for their part, have been divided by naturalists. Some consider that the rhinoceros is to leave without defense against predators, while others consider it a suitable solution.
Project managers have stated that the measure will only be applied experimentally in a region where rhinos have no natural enemies.

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