
Speed is written Yz

1997/04/01 Irazabalbeitia, Inaki - kimikaria eta zientzia-dibulgatzaileaElhuyar Fundazioa | Kaltzada, Pili - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

What Txirrita described with some precision was the “Norteko Ferrokarrila”, who was first surprised to see the iron snake with his eyes. “We are born to see a thousand.” These verses, the reader, bear witness to the fascination of the train. In the adjoining pages you will surely not find the rigor that Txirrita has shown, since we are not going to rise to the height of a very large teacher. We have also wanted to describe the train we have seen often, but what has “come out” is that there are no verses, but the same fascination that Txirrita explained. See if you love it! Or at least that is what we have been told about the new railway network. All points out that among the projects that this year will surprise the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, will appear again the high-speed train that, apparently, will cross the Basque Autonomous Community. We insist because he has been on tour for many years. In the following article we wanted to collect the details of this intention. This is, therefore, the few information that we have been able to collect and offered below.

is it said that the man who made the boiling water is precious to always

on the hip? I have
no other food if I am well explored by
fire, smoke and chidar, if
I have cold strength.”

“The wisdom of my world
has been very superficial. I ask God, although I will clarify that before we did not know that he

was an electrician who now fed on cold as
he had before”

Speed is written Yz

The creation of a railway network that will link the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria seemed until recently unthinkable, as it has been considered today. The Commission of Transport and Public Works of the European Union considered this until the summit of the Choir. It analyzed the details of the European rail infrastructure. Then, for the first time, we met the Y.

The project proposes the need to build a railway network that allows breathing public transport. In the last 50 years the railway has been out of all infrastructure plans, but currently an unfavorable trend is occurring. Tackling the economic and ecological problems generated by road traffic has become a huge cost for all European states and has managed to strengthen traffic on lanes.

While in most European countries the railway network was close to facing the new challenge, in our country it is still a dream. The railway network was built according to the criteria in force in the last century and is currently not useful. In the development of the project, the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria will connect with each other (in the form of ‘H’) and in connection with the route of the French TAV, you can travel throughout the Basque Country by high-speed train. However, it is not the only obstacle that must overcome the route.

Being able to communicate with each other has always been the dream of the Basques, but the economic and ecological problems that will entail a great speed are going to be too big. The debate is on the street, of course, and in that sense the projects must be adapted. In addition, and returning to technical problems, the railway network of the Spanish state does not allow European mobility, which causes serious consequences in the border crossings, such as that of Irún.

The main reason for the preliminary project is the preparation of the railway network for the future, with two fundamental premises: ensuring the flow of communication between us and connecting the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria and opening the doors of the Spanish and European markets. According to the project, the most suitable solution to meet these requirements is the Y. Always taking into account the small letter of the project.

The width of the railway is the main barrier. Consequently, the first step is to adapt or standardize to the characteristics of the majority. For this, the Y will be the railway of adaptable sleepers.

The distance between the rails and the new system to be used will have to be modified in a fractional way by actuating a screw. In this way it is intended to definitively solve the problem that can be considered as a historical error. For many, of course, that solution will come too late.


Little is known of the entire route of the Y since the project has suffered many incidents.

In the CAPV, the Y will focus on three main axes that will allow joining Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián and Vitoria-Gasteiz. It is expected that the meeting point between the three will be established in Elorrio (Bizkaia), from where the transport of passengers and goods will be headed. For the branch that comes through the North is intended to implement the change zone in Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa). In the case of Navarre, it will join the axis that comes from Zaragoza and will meet in Tolosaldea with that of the CAPV. From this tour, the Memory-Summary made in Madrid presents three options.

The importance of the new railway network lies in the versatility that the Y will entail. The railway network to be created may be used for the transport of goods and passengers. The engines must be more powerful and have technical characteristics of travel that allow to withstand great weights and speed pressures. It will therefore be a challenge for companies working in the railway sector.

It is intended to use in Y the high-speed railway model that is being imposed in Europe. The average passenger transport speed will be 250 km/h. Trains used for goods should seek a sustainable balance between speed and power: It is expected that with a speed of 125 km/h they can transport between 1,000 and 1,200 tons, with maximum slopes of 70%.

More than half of the high-speed train journey between us is expected to be underground. While the need for a one-way tunnel has not been determined, steps should be taken to prevent the kinetic energy generated by high speed from being pushed against trains.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

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