The most outstanding science news in 2022
2022/12/27 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

2022 has been a successful year in science. Here, the most significant contents elaborated by Elhuyar Zientzia with a vision both international and close:
1.- The James Webb telescope begins. He sent his first images and data in July.
2.- Artificial intelligence has made significant progress in many areas. In Euskera, Orai has developed various products in the service of Euskera. In addition, in machine translation it has created a novel technique for the correction of vanguard bias.
3. More and more scientists see decline as the solution to the current crisis. This year the issue has become socialised with strength.
4. The Irulegi site has been the subject of a surprising archaeological discovery: Hand of Irulegi.
5.- Following the trail of the permanent COVID-19 in Elhuyar magazine and in Teknopolis
6. Black pest footprint and lactose tolerance in European genes
7. A bacterium visible to the naked eye has been identified
8. They manage to isolate the 2 million year genome.
9. Written and illustrated photograph of the latest Aranbaltza Neanderthals.
10. The DART mission has managed to deflect an asteroid from its orbit.

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