
Euskadi Research Award 2012 to UPV mathematician Luis Vega González

2013/03/14 Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

UPV Professor of Mathematical Analysis, Luis Vega González, will receive the Euskadi Research Prize 2012. The jury highlighted the work done in the study of the equations of partial derivatives. He also highlighted the quality and depth of his scientific contributions and the influence of his work on this important field of mathematics. Also noteworthy are his work on Fourier Analysis. Vega's work has had a great international impact. For his part, Professor Vega created at UPV-EHU an international research group in the field of mathematical excellence that has placed the University of the Basque Country among these disciplines. Luis

Vega González (Madrid, 1960), graduated in mathematics from the Complutense University in 1982, obtained a doctorate degree from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in 1988. After two years at the University of Chicago, he returned to UAM and worked at the University of the Basque Country since 1993. Professor since 1995. Source:

Basque Research

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